generateCode(ErrorHandler, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class interpreter.Assembler
generateCode activates the assembler from an external class, outputting the generated code into their files and then returning the string corresponding to the main generated class.
generateCode(GUIFile, ErrorHandler) - Method in class lib.lang.Java
generateCode implements the LangDef specification, accepting a guiFile and an error handler and returning a double array of code file names and content to be outputted in whatever way desired by the Assembler.
generateCode(GUIFile, ErrorHandler) - Method in class types.LangDef
generateCode accepts the generated Parser output and manipulates it according to the structure of the language to generate the appropriate output code.
generateParseException() - Method in class parser.Parser
get(Object) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Deprecated. Use GUIAttributes.getAll(java.lang.String) instead; it typechecks its argument and throws suitable exceptions on invalid attribute values. Better yet, use one of GUIAttributes.getString(java.lang.String), GUIAttributes.getStrings(java.lang.String), GUIAttributes.getInteger(java.lang.String), etc., as needed. This method is only meant to allow GUIAttributes objects to be cast to Maps and still work (somewhat).
getAccessibleTextComponent() - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI.SmartTextArea
getAll(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve all values of an attribute by name, as strings.
getAncestry() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Get all widget types from which this one derives, in method resolution order, including this type itself.
getArgs() - Method in class util.CommandLineParser
Retrieve the arguments found by the last call to CommandLineParser.parse(Object, String[]).
getAxisId() - Method in class lib.java.ColumnLayout
getAxisId() - Method in class lib.java.RowLayout
getBaseWidgetDefClasses() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Retrieve the base widget types.
getBaseWidgetDefClasses(Class<? extends WidgetDef>) - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Retrieve the base widget types for a given WidgetDef class.
getBaseWidgetDefClasses(Class<? extends WidgetDef>, LangDef) - Static method in class types.WidgetDef
Retrieve the base widget types for a given WidgetDef class.
getBaseWidgetDefs() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Retrieve the base widget types.
getBeginColumn() - Method in class parser.SimpleCharStream
getBeginLine() - Method in class parser.SimpleCharStream
getBoolean(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve, as a boolean, the value of an attribute which only allows one value.
getBooleans(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve all values of an attribute as booleans.
getButtonBackgroundColor(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getButtonBorderPainted(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getButtonContentAreaFilled(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getButtonEnabled(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getButtonHeight(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getButtonHorizontalAlignement(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getButtonLabel(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getButtonSelected(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getButtonText(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getButtonVerticalAlignment(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getButtonWidth(JButton) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getCheckBoxBorderOutline(JCheckBox) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getChildDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.BorderLayout
getChildDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.GridLayout
getChildDefaults() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Specifies the child attributes for the widget.
getChildModifiers() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Analog of WidgetDef.getModifiers() for child attributes.
getColor(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve, as a color identifier, the value of an attribute which only allows one value.
getColors(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve all values of a color attribute as identifier strings suitable for use in generated code.
getColumn() - Method in class parser.SimpleCharStream
getCommentName() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Format the widget identifier for use in comments.
getControllerId() - Method in class types.GUIFile
getCwd() - Method in class util.Shell
Get the current directory.
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.BorderLayout
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Button
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.CheckButton
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Clickable
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Clock
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.ComboBox
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Container
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.DialogBox
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.FileChooser
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Frame
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.GridLayout
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Label
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Layout
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Menu
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.MenuBar
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.MenuItem
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.MenuSeparator
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.RadioButton
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.RadioButtonGroup
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.ScrollingFrame
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Spacer
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.TextArea
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.TextField
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Tree
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.TreeNode
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Widget
getDefaults() - Method in class lib.java.Window
getDefaults() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Every attribute in our language has to have a default setting.
getDescription(boolean) - Method in class elvisDoc.elvisDocAttribute
getDescription(boolean) - Method in class elvisDoc.elvisDocItem
getDescription() - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI.Filter
getDouble(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve, as a double, the value of an attribute which only allows one value.
getDoubles(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve all values of an attribute as doubles.
getEndColumn() - Method in class parser.SimpleCharStream
getEndLine() - Method in class parser.SimpleCharStream
getEnum(String, Class<E>) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve, as an enumeration constant, the value of an attribute which only allows one value.
getEnums(String, Class<E>) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve all values of an attribute as enumeration constants.
getFileChooserDirectory(JFileChooser) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getFileChooserSelectedFile(JFileChooser) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getFileChooserSelectedFiles(JFileChooser) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getFileChooserTitle(JFileChooser) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getFloat(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve, as a double, the value of an attribute which only allows one value.
getFloats(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve all values of an attribute as doubles.
getFrameBackgroundColor(JPanel) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getFrameHeight(JPanel) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getFrameWidth(JPanel) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getHelp() - Method in class util.CommandLineParser
Format a help message, suitable for output by a "--help" option.
GetImage() - Method in class parser.SimpleCharStream
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.BorderLayout
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Button
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.CheckButton
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Clickable
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Clock
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.ComboBox
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Container
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.DialogBox
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.FileChooser
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Frame
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.GridLayout
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Label
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Layout
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Menu
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.MenuBar
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.MenuItem
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.MenuSeparator
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.RadioButton
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.RadioButtonGroup
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.ScrollingFrame
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Spacer
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.TextArea
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.TextField
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Tree
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.TreeNode
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Widget
getImports() - Method in class lib.java.Window
getImports() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
getImports keeps a Set of import lines that are pertinent to the code generated in the other methods.
getInnerClasses() - Method in class lib.java.Clock
getInnerClasses() - Method in class lib.java.FileChooser
getInnerClasses() - Method in class lib.java.TextArea
getInnerClasses() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
getInnerClasses returns a set of strings corresponding to any inner classes utilized by the widget at runtime.
getInteger(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve, as an integer, the value of an attribute which only allows one value.
getIntegerPair(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve, as a pair of integers, the value of an attribute which only allows exactly two values.
getIntegers(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve all values of an attribute as integers.
getItAttr() - Method in class elvisDoc.elvisLineItem
getItDefaultValue() - Method in class elvisDoc.elvisLineItem
getItNothing() - Method in class elvisDoc.elvisLineItem
getItParent() - Method in class elvisDoc.elvisLineItem
getItSpec() - Method in class elvisDoc.elvisLineItem
getItWidget() - Method in class elvisDoc.elvisLineItem
getLabelHorizontalAlignement(JLabel) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getLabelText(JLabel) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getLabelVerticalAlignment(JLabel) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.BorderLayout
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Button
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.CheckButton
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Clickable
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Clock
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.ComboBox
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Container
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.DialogBox
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.FileChooser
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Frame
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.GridLayout
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Label
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Layout
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Menu
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.MenuBar
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.MenuItem
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.MenuSeparator
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.RadioButton
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.RadioButtonGroup
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.ScrollingFrame
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Spacer
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.TextArea
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.TextField
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Tree
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.TreeNode
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Widget
getLanguage() - Method in class lib.java.Window
getLanguage() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Accessor method for the Widget language.
getLastExitValue() - Method in class util.Shell
getLibPath() - Method in class types.LangDef
getLine() - Method in class parser.SimpleCharStream
getMany(String, int) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve all values of an attribute which allows exactly N values, for some N.
getMenuItemLabel(JMenuItem) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getMenuMnemonic(JMenu) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getMenuText(JMenu) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getMessage() - Method in exception parser.ParseException
This method has the standard behavior when this object has been created using the standard constructors.
getMessage() - Method in error parser.TokenMgrError
You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages.
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.BorderLayout
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Button
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.CheckButton
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Clickable
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Clock
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.ComboBox
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Container
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.DialogBox
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.FileChooser
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Frame
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.GridLayout
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Label
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Layout
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Menu
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.MenuBar
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.MenuItem
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.MenuSeparator
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.RadioButton
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.RadioButtonGroup
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.ScrollingFrame
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Spacer
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.TextArea
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.TextField
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Tree
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.TreeNode
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Widget
getModifiers() - Method in class lib.java.Window
getModifiers() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
getModifiers returns a list of methods designed to modify various attributes of the widget type in question.
getMultisynonymousAttributes() - Method in class lib.java.Spacer
getMultisynonymousAttributes() - Method in class lib.java.Widget
getMultisynonymousAttributes() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Specifies multisynonymous attributes.
getNextToken() - Method in class parser.Parser
getNextToken() - Method in class parser.ParserTokenManager
getOne(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve the value of an attribute which only allows one value.
getOptMap() - Method in class util.CommandLineParser
Retrieve the parsed options, as a map from the option enum constants to the arguments given.
getOpts() - Method in class util.CommandLineParser
Retrieve the options found by the last call to CommandLineParser.parse(Object, String[]).
getPackageId() - Method in class types.GUIFile
getProjectName() - Method in class types.GUIFile
getRootWidgetType() - Method in class lib.lang.Java
returns the root widget type of Java's widget library.
getRootWidgetType() - Method in class types.LangDef
getRowCount() - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI.SmartTextArea
getScrollingFrameHeight(JScrollPane) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getScrollingFrameWidth(JScrollPane) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getSelectedText() - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI.SmartTextArea
getSerializeDocNameFromUserDir() - Static method in class elvisDoc.ElvisDocSerializeDoc
getState() - Method in class output.java.CodeBuilder
Get the current state of the code builder.
getStdErr() - Method in class util.Shell
getStdIn() - Method in class util.Shell
getStdOut() - Method in class util.Shell
getString(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve, as a string, the value of an attribute which only allows one value.
getStrings(String) - Method in class types.GUIAttributes
Retrieve all values of an attribute as strings.
GetSuffix(int) - Method in class parser.SimpleCharStream
getSynonymousAttributes() - Method in class lib.java.Button
getSynonymousAttributes() - Method in class lib.java.FileChooser
getSynonymousAttributes() - Method in class lib.java.Label
getSynonymousAttributes() - Method in class lib.java.Menu
getSynonymousAttributes() - Method in class lib.java.Tree
getSynonymousAttributes() - Method in class lib.java.TreeNode
getSynonymousAttributes() - Method in class lib.java.Window
getSynonymousAttributes() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Specifies synonymous attributes.
getTabSize(int) - Method in class parser.SimpleCharStream
getText() - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI.SmartTextArea
getTextAreaEditable(JTextArea) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getTextAreaEditable(LearningToolGUI.SmartTextArea) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getTextAreaHeight(LearningToolGUI.SmartTextArea) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getTextAreaHeight(JTextArea) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getTextAreaLineWrap(LearningToolGUI.SmartTextArea) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getTextAreaLineWrap(JTextArea) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getTextAreaText(JTextArea) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getTextAreaText(LearningToolGUI.SmartTextArea) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getTextAreaWidth(JTextArea) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getTextAreaWidth(LearningToolGUI.SmartTextArea) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getToken(int) - Method in class parser.Parser
getTokenSource() - Method in class parser.Parser
getUsage() - Method in class util.CommandLineParser
Get the usage line for the given CommandLineParser.OptionSpec enum, or the empty string if none was specified.
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.BorderLayout
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Button
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.CheckButton
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Clickable
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Clock
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.ComboBox
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Container
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.DialogBox
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.FileChooser
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Frame
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.GridLayout
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Label
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Layout
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Menu
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.MenuBar
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.MenuItem
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.MenuSeparator
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.RadioButton
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.RadioButtonGroup
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.ScrollingFrame
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Spacer
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.TextArea
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.TextField
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Tree
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.TreeNode
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Widget
getVariables() - Method in class lib.java.Window
getVariables() - Method in class types.WidgetDef
Returns a chunk of code intended to declare variables which the backend code may need access to and therefore should be declared outside of the constructor code.
getWindowBackgroundColor(JFrame) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getWindowHeight(JFrame) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getWindowLayout(JFrame) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getWindowOnClose(JFrame) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getWindowResizable(JFrame) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getWindowTitle(JFrame) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
getWindowWidth(JFrame) - Method in class learningTool.LearningToolGUI
GridLayout - Class in lib.java
Widget Definition for a grid layout in Java.
GridLayout(Widget, WidgetDef) - Constructor for class lib.java.GridLayout
GUIAttributes - Class in types
A specialized extension of TreeMap which helps in handling widget attributes.
GUIAttributes(Map<String, List<String>>, Map<String, String>, Map<String, List<String>>, Widget) - Constructor for class types.GUIAttributes
Construct a GUIAttributes map, given a map of the defaults, a map describing synonymies of the attributes, and the Widget which is to own the map.
GUIAttributes(Map<String, List<String>>, Map<String, String>, Widget) - Constructor for class types.GUIAttributes
Construct a GUIAttributes map, given a map of the defaults, a map describing synonymies of the attributes, and the Widget which is to own the map.
GUIAttributes(Map<String, List<String>>, Widget) - Constructor for class types.GUIAttributes
Construct a GUIAttributes map, given a map of the defaults and the Widget which is to own it.
GUIFile() - Method in class parser.Parser
GUIFile - Class in types
The GUI definition file.
GUIFile(String, List<? extends Widget>, Set<GUIFile.Flag>, List<? extends GUIFile.EventHandler>) - Constructor for class types.GUIFile
GUIFile.EventHandler - Class in types
A handler declared in the GUI file as part of the controller.
GUIFile.EventHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class types.GUIFile.EventHandler
Construct a handler declaration from its type and id.
GUIFile.Flag - Enum in types
The enumeration type of flags set in the file.
GUIFileException - Exception in errors
The superclass of all exceptions arising from errors in the .gui file.
GUIFileException(int) - Constructor for exception errors.GUIFileException
Use the generic exception message.
GUIFileException(String, int) - Constructor for exception errors.GUIFileException
Use a given message.
GUIFileException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception errors.GUIFileException
Use a given message and cause.
GUIFileException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception errors.GUIFileException
Use a given cause and the generic exception message.