Class Java

  extended by types.LangDef
      extended by lib.lang.Java

public class Java
extends LangDef

Language definition for compiling Elvis code into Java source.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class types.LangDef
errorHandler, imports, innerClasses, libPath, modifiers, variables
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 String[][] generateCode(GUIFile guiFile, ErrorHandler errorHandler)
          generateCode implements the LangDef specification, accepting a guiFile and an error handler and returning a double array of code file names and content to be outputted in whatever way desired by the Assembler.
 Class<? extends WidgetDef> getRootWidgetType()
          returns the root widget type of Java's widget library.
Methods inherited from class types.LangDef
createWidget, createWidget, defineLanguage, getLibPath
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Java()
Default constructor. Calls the superclass constructor with "", the prefix for Java widget definitions, as the argument.

Method Detail


public String[][] generateCode(GUIFile guiFile,
                               ErrorHandler errorHandler)
                        throws GUIFileException
generateCode implements the LangDef specification, accepting a guiFile and an error handler and returning a double array of code file names and content to be outputted in whatever way desired by the Assembler.

Specified by:
generateCode in class LangDef
guiFile - the electronic representation of the code to be generated
errorHandler - the errorHandler to be consulted in the event of a guiFile exception.
files a double array of file names and contents for the code
GUIFileException - If any errors are found in the file.


public Class<? extends WidgetDef> getRootWidgetType()
returns the root widget type of Java's widget library.

Specified by:
getRootWidgetType in class LangDef
Returns: the class of the root widget.