Package types

Interface Summary
ErrorHandler Passed to functions that may report errors in the .gui file.

Class Summary
ErrorHandler.Lister An error handler that just stuffs everything in a list
ErrorHandler.StdErr An error handler that handles anything, spitting it to stderr.
ErrorHandler.Trivial An error handler that handles nothing.
GUIAttributes A specialized extension of TreeMap which helps in handling widget attributes.
GUIFile The GUI definition file.
GUIFile.EventHandler A handler declared in the GUI file as part of the controller.
LangDef LangDef is the abstract class that all Language Definitions inherit from.
Widget The general type of all widgets.
WidgetDef WidgetDef is the abstract class that all definitions in the library implement.

Enum Summary
EventHandlerDef Defines the event handler types allowed in %controller blocks in .gui files, along with the signatures of the methods generated in the output Controller interface.
GUIFile.Flag The enumeration type of flags set in the file.

Annotation Types Summary
WidgetDef.Abstract Annotation forbidding a widget type from being instantiated.
WidgetDef.Contained Declare that a widget type cannot appear at the top level.
WidgetDef.Derived Annotation specifying the base widget types of a widget.