Interface CommandLineParser.OptionSpec<Cxt>

Type Parameters:
Cxt - The type of the context object passed to execute(String, Object).
Enclosing class:
CommandLineParser<Opt extends Enum<Opt> & CommandLineParser.OptionSpec<? super Cxt>,Cxt>

public static interface CommandLineParser.OptionSpec<Cxt>

The interface which the enum passed to CommandLineParser.buildParser(Class) must implement. Enum constants implementing this interface implement the execute(String, Object) method, which is called when the option is found in the command line. Also, they carry CommandLineParser.OptionSpec.Option attributes to specify the name of the argument (such as "help" or "verbose") and its abbreviation (such as 'h' or 'v'), as well as other data.

Nested Class Summary
static class CommandLineParser.OptionSpec.ArgSpec
          The specification for the argument of an option.
static interface CommandLineParser.OptionSpec.Option
          The annotation giving syntactic specifications for a command-line option.
static class CommandLineParser.OptionSpec.OptionException
          Thrown by the execute(String, Object) method of CommandLineParser.OptionSpec implementors to indicate an error in the command line.
Method Summary
 void execute(String arg, Cxt context)
          What to do with the option when encountered.

Method Detail


void execute(String arg,
             Cxt context)
             throws CommandLineParser.OptionSpec.OptionException
What to do with the option when encountered.

arg - The argument given to the argument, or null if the argument was given no arguments. (An option annotated with arg = ArgSpec.REQUIRED will never be passed null for this argument.)
context - The context in which to perform the action. The exact meaning of this depends on the particular implementor; a typical context object would simply have a bunch of flags corresponding to the options that may be set. However, there is no general requirement on the context object (or the Cxt type parameter to OptionSpec); in fact, an implementation could well have null for the context and process the options using CommandLineParser.getOpts().
CommandLineParser.OptionSpec.OptionException - If the argument is somehow invalid. The meaning of "invalid" is dependent entirely on the implementation; a typical case would be that an integer is expected but the given argument doesn't parse as one. These exceptions are caught by CommandLineParser.parse(Object, String[]) and rethrown as CommandLineParser.InvalidCommandLineException objects, after being formatted with the name of the option and the value of its argument. (Consequently, the message passed to the OptionException constructor needn't include either.)