About Us

Who Are We?

Ephraim Benson

Ephraim Benson (he/him) is a Computer Science and Cinema and Media Studies double major from Colorado. He is interested in computer graphics and human-computer interaction. After graduating, he will be working as a production assistant in Los Angeles.

John Groos

John Groos (he/him) is a Math and Computer Science double major.

Rebecca Hicke

Rebecca Hicke (she/her) is an English and Computer Science double major and Digital Arts and Humanities minor. Her research interests are primarily in human-computer interaction, particularly data visualization, digital humanities, and interactive tool building. Next year, she will begin pursuing her Ph.D. in CS at Cornell University.

Jade Kandel

Jade Kandel (she/her) is a Computer Science major and Art History minor. She is interested in Computer Graphics and Data Visualization research, and will be pursuing a Computer Science Ph.D. at UNC Chapel Hill.

Haruki Yoshida

Haruki Yoshida (he/him) is a Computer Science major.