Package network

Class Summary
ChannelList Contains a list of neighbors that can be channels to send a message through.
IPPacket A Packet with an IP address payload for a needy neighbor.
IPRequestPacket A packet to request IPs from neighbors.
IPServer A client whose sole purpose is to dish out IP addresses.
MaintainNeighbors Periodically checks if the number of neighbors is below the minimum number of neighbors.
Neighbor This class sends and receives packets from a neighbor.
Network This is the the only class that any other layer of our project should care about.
NetworkNotifier Calls methods implemented by NetworkListeners.
Packet The Packet class from which all others types of packets inherit.
RoutingTable Contains a list of up to MAX_SIZE of the most active virtual addresses.
Server Listens for connection requests.
XMLPacket A Packet with an XML payload.