ADDBUDDY - Static variable in class core.types.MessageType
AVAILABLE - Static variable in class core.types.PresenceType
AddContactBox - class gui.AddContactBox.
This is the window that will allow the user to search for and add contacts to their contact list.
AddContactBox(Prefs, Contact) - Constructor for class gui.AddContactBox
The constructor for the box itself.
AddContactEvent - class core.events.AddContactEvent.
this is an event that is thrown by the AddBuddyBox to let the app know that the user wants to add a buddy.
AddContactEvent(Object, Contact) - Constructor for class core.events.AddContactEvent
accept(Contact) - Method in class core.PresenceManager
Accepts a subscription request contact the Contact.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
handles all of the actions performed by user
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.InfoBox
This is the method that handles actions from the user
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.PreferencesBox
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.PresenceBox
Handles the actions performed
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.SignInBox
add(int, Contact) - Method in class core.SearchList.ResultList
add(Neighbor) - Method in class network.ChannelList
Add a reference of neighbor as one of the channels.
addAddress(String) - Method in class network.IPCache
Add an address to the IPCache.
addChannel(String, String) - Method in class gui.RouteDisplay
addContact(AddContactEvent) - Method in interface core.GuiListener
addContact(AddContactEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
addContactBoxOpened(EventObject) - Method in interface core.GuiListener
addContactBoxOpened(EventObject) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
addElement(Contact) - Method in class core.SearchList.ResultList
addIPs(String) - Method in class network.Network
Add the given string of IPs to the IPCache
addListener(EventListener) - Method in class core.EventNotifier
Add a listener.
addNeighbor(String) - Method in class network.Network
Add a neighbor.
addNeighbor(Socket, boolean) - Method in class network.Network
Add a neighbor.
addNeighbors() - Method in class network.Network
Try to fill the neighbor list.
addResult(SearchMessage) - Method in class core.SearchList
addResult(SearchMessage) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
addRoute(String, Neighbor) - Method in class network.Network
addRoute(String, Neighbor) - Method in class network.RoutingTable
Add a route to the routing table, call this when a packet is received.
addSearch(SearchMessage) - Method in class core.SearchList
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter


BADREQUEST - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
Base64Test - class test.Base64Test.
Base64Test() - Constructor for class test.Base64Test
block(Contact) - Method in class core.PresenceManager
broadcast(Packet, Neighbor) - Method in class network.Network
Broadcasts packet to all neighbors.


CACHE_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class network.Network
COMRADE - Static variable in class core.prefs.Prefs
The string to prepend to user names so they don't conflict with special folders such as ipserver.
CONFLICT - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
ChannelList - class network.ChannelList.
Contains a list of neighbors that can be channels to send a message through.
ChannelList(Neighbor, String, Vector) - Constructor for class network.ChannelList
Constructs a ChannelList with one neighbor and a display
ChannelListEvent - class core.events.ChannelListEvent.
ChannelListEvent(Object, String, Neighbor) - Constructor for class core.events.ChannelListEvent
ChatBox - class gui.ChatBox.
This is the window where text from contacts will be displayed.
ChatBox(Contact, Contact, Point, Prefs, PrivateKey) - Constructor for class gui.ChatBox
Main constructor
ChatBoxEvent - class core.events.ChatBoxEvent.
ChatBoxEvent(Object, Contact) - Constructor for class core.events.ChatBoxEvent
Contact - class core.Contact.
A representation of another user's attributes, including presence, network, and subscription information.
Contact(String, String) - Constructor for class core.Contact
Contact(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class core.Contact
Contact(String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class core.Contact
ContactList - class core.ContactList.
A DefaultListModel of Contact objects representing information gathered by this user about other users on the network.
ContactList() - Constructor for class core.ContactList
Default Constructor
ContactListBox - class gui.ContactListBox.
This will serve as the "main" window of the app and will be responsible for handling events originating from the contact list as well as keeping track of its children (ChatBox windows).
ContactListBox(String, Contact, Prefs) - Constructor for class gui.ContactListBox
Creates a new ContactListBox instance, loads our contact list, and displays it on screen.
ContactListTest - class test.ContactListTest.
ContactListTest() - Constructor for class test.ContactListTest
ContactRemovedEvent - class core.events.ContactRemovedEvent.
ContactRemovedEvent(Object, Contact) - Constructor for class core.events.ContactRemovedEvent
ContactRenderer - class gui.ContactRenderer.
ContactRenderer() - Constructor for class gui.ContactRenderer
cancelTimer() - Method in class network.Network
Stop the maintainence daemon.
channelAdded(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
channelAdded(ChannelListEvent) - Method in interface core.NetworkListener
channelAdded(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class gui.RouteDisplay
channelAdded(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class network.IPServer
channelAdded(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class test.NetworkResponder
channelRemoved(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
channelRemoved(ChannelListEvent) - Method in interface core.NetworkListener
channelRemoved(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class gui.RouteDisplay
channelRemoved(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class network.IPServer
channelRemoved(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class test.NetworkResponder
chatBoxClosed(ChatBoxEvent) - Method in interface core.GuiListener
chatBoxClosed(ChatBoxEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
chatBoxOpened(ChatBoxEvent) - Method in interface core.GuiListener
chatBoxOpened(ChatBoxEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
child(int) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.AdapterNode
child(int) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.AdapterNode
childCount() - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.AdapterNode
childCount() - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.AdapterNode
connect(Socket, boolean) - Method in class network.Neighbor
Connects to a neighbor via passed socket
contactRemoved(ContactRemovedEvent) - Method in interface core.GuiListener
contactRemoved(ContactRemovedEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
contains(String) - Method in class core.ContactList
Returns true if the ContactList contains the Contact associated with a given virtual address.
contains(String) - Method in class network.Network
content() - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.AdapterNode
core - package core
core.events - package core.events
core.messages - package core.messages
core.prefs - package core.prefs
core.types - package core.types
createPopupMenu() - Method in class gui.ChatBox
Creates the popup menu with two entries, Save and Clear.
crypto - package crypto


DomEcho - class examples.xml.DomEcho.
DomEcho() - Constructor for class examples.xml.DomEcho
DomEcho.AdapterNode - class examples.xml.DomEcho.AdapterNode.
DomEcho.AdapterNode(Node) - Constructor for class examples.xml.DomEcho.AdapterNode
DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter - class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter.
DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter() - Constructor for class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
DomEcho02 - class examples.xml.DomEcho02.
DomEcho02() - Constructor for class examples.xml.DomEcho02
DomEcho02.AdapterNode - class examples.xml.DomEcho02.AdapterNode.
DomEcho02.AdapterNode(Node) - Constructor for class examples.xml.DomEcho02.AdapterNode
DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter - class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter.
DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter() - Constructor for class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
DynamicList - class test.DynamicList.
Create a JList whose KeyListener adds/removes elements from the lists DefaultListModel.
DynamicList() - Constructor for class test.DynamicList
decrementTTL() - Method in class network.XMLPacket
Decrements the timeToLive of the packet.
deny(Contact) - Method in class core.PresenceManager
Denies a subscription request contact the Contact.
display() - Method in class gui.ChatBox
Create the GUI and show it.
display() - Method in class gui.InfoBox
display() - Method in class gui.PresenceBox
displayBuddyText(String) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
Displays the name, time and text to the message window.
displaySendText(String) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
doChanges() - Method in class gui.PreferencesBox
Checks if there were any changes to the values, and if so, sets them to the new value.


ERROR - Static variable in class core.types.MessageType
ERROR - Static variable in class core.types.PresenceType
ERROR - Static variable in class core.types.SearchType
EVERYONE - Static variable in class network.XMLPacket
The address indicating everyone
ErrorCondition - class core.types.ErrorCondition.
ErrorMessage - class core.messages.ErrorMessage.
Message used for reporting errors.
ErrorMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class core.messages.ErrorMessage
Creates a new instance of ErrorMessage.
ErrorMessage(String, String, ErrorCondition) - Constructor for class core.messages.ErrorMessage
Creates a new instance of ErrorMessage with a specific ErrorCondition.
ErrorMessage(String, String, ErrorCondition, long) - Constructor for class core.messages.ErrorMessage
Creates a new instance of ErrorMessage with a specific ErrorCondition and id.
EventNotifier - class core.EventNotifier.
Parent class for event notifiers.
EventNotifier() - Constructor for class core.EventNotifier
elements() - Static method in class core.types.ErrorCondition
Creates an enumeration from all available types.
elements() - Static method in class core.types.MessageType
Creates an enumeration from all available types.
elements() - Static method in class core.types.PresenceType
Creates an enumeration from all available types.
elements() - Static method in class core.types.SearchType
Creates an enumeration from all available types.
examples.xml - package examples.xml


FEATURENI - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
FORBIDDEN - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
finalPresence() - Method in class core.PresenceManager
Sends UNAVAILABLE presence to all subscribed contacts.
finalize() - Method in class network.Neighbor
Called by the garbage collector.
fireChannelAdded(String, Neighbor) - Method in class network.ChannelList
fireChannelRemoved(String, Neighbor) - Method in class network.ChannelList
fireMessageReceived(byte[]) - Method in class network.NetworkNotifier
fireNeighborConnected() - Method in class network.NetworkNotifier
firePrefChangedEvent(String) - Method in class core.prefs.PrefsNotifier
Run all listeners's prefChangedEvent method.
fireSetChannelAdded(String, Neighbor) - Method in class network.ChannelList
fireSetChannelRemoved(String, Neighbor) - Method in class network.ChannelList
fireTreeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
fireTreeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
fireTreeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
fireTreeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
fireTreeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
fireTreeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
fireTreeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
fireTreeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
first() - Static method in class core.types.ErrorCondition
first() - Static method in class core.types.MessageType
first() - Static method in class core.types.PresenceType
first() - Static method in class core.types.SearchType


GET - Static variable in class core.types.SearchType
GONE - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
GuiListener - interface core.GuiListener.
GuiUtilities - class gui.GuiUtilities.
GuiUtilities() - Constructor for class gui.GuiUtilities
generateDigest(byte[]) - Static method in class crypto.Signatures
Generates a SHA1 message digest hash
generateKey() - Static method in class crypto.KeyCreator
Generate a random 56-bit DES symmetric key
generateKeyPair(long) - Static method in class crypto.KeyCreator
Creates a public-private key pair based on the supplied seed
generateKeyPair(String, char[]) - Static method in class crypto.VirtualAddress
Generates a public/private key pair from a username and password
generateVirtualAddress(KeyPair) - Static method in class crypto.VirtualAddress
Generate the virtual address string from a public/private key pair
getAdditionalInfo() - Method in class core.Contact
getAddress() - Method in class core.Contact
getAddress() - Method in class core.messages.SearchMessage
getAddress() - Method in class network.Neighbor
IP Address.
getAddresses() - Method in class network.IPPacket
Returns a list of IPs separated by spaces.
getChannel() - Method in class core.events.ChannelListEvent
getChannel(Neighbor) - Method in class network.ChannelList
Returns a random neighbor in the ChannelList.
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
getCondition() - Method in class core.messages.ErrorMessage
Returns the ErrorCondition associated with this ErrorMessage.
getContact(String) - Method in class core.ContactList
Looks up a Contact in the ContactList by its virtual address.
getContact() - Method in class core.events.AddContactEvent
getContact() - Method in class core.events.ContactRemovedEvent
getContact() - Method in class core.events.SubscriptionEvent
getContactList() - Method in class gui.ContactListBox
getDestination() - Method in class core.Message
getErrorType() - Method in class core.types.ErrorCondition
getFrom() - Method in class network.XMLPacket
getId() - Method in class core.Message
getId() - Method in class network.XMLPacket
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
getInfo() - Method in class core.SearchList.ResultList
getInfo() - Method in class core.messages.PresenceMessage
getInfo() - Method in class core.messages.SearchMessage
getKey() - Method in class core.prefs.PrefChangedEvent
Returns the key of the changed pref.
getKey(String) - Static method in class crypto.VirtualAddress
Generates the PublicKey object from a supplied virtual address
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gui.ContactRenderer
getLocalIP() - Method in class network.Network
getLocalPort() - Method in class network.Neighbor
getLongSearchId() - Method in class core.messages.SearchMessage
getMe() - Method in class core.events.SignInEvent
getMessage() - Method in class core.events.SendMessageEvent
getMessageType() - Method in class core.Message
getMessengerDirectory() - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Returns the directory in the user's home that contains this apps files.
getMinNeighbors() - Method in class network.Network
getName() - Method in class network.Neighbor
Return the name of the neighbor.
getNeighbors() - Method in class network.Network
Returns a Collection of neighbors connected to.
getNickname() - Method in class core.Contact
getNickname() - Method in class core.messages.PresenceMessage
getNumNeighbors() - Method in class network.Network
Get the number of connected neighbors.
getNumRequested() - Method in class network.IPRequestPacket
Returns the number of IPs requested.
getOwnVirtualAddress() - Method in class network.Network
getPreference(String, String) - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Returns the preference value associated with the given key, or def if the given key does not exist.
getPreference(String, int) - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Returns the preference value associated with the given key, or def if the given key does not exist.
getPreference(String, boolean) - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Returns the preference value associated with the given key, or def if the given key does not exist.
getPrefs() - Method in class network.Network
getPresence() - Method in class core.Contact
getRoot() - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
getRoot() - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
getSearch() - Method in class core.SearchList.ResultList
getSearchID() - Method in class core.messages.SearchMessage
getShow() - Method in class core.Contact
getShow() - Method in class core.messages.PresenceMessage
Returns the away message for this PresenceMessage.
getSignature() - Method in class core.messages.TextMessage
getSignature() - Method in class network.XMLPacket
Get the signature
getSource() - Method in class core.Message
getStatus() - Method in class core.Contact
getStatus() - Method in class core.messages.PresenceMessage
Returns the away status for this PresenceMessage.
getSubscription() - Method in class core.Contact
Returns the subscription status of this user.
getTTL() - Method in class network.XMLPacket
getText() - Method in class core.messages.TextMessage
getTimestamp() - Method in class core.Contact
getTo() - Method in class network.XMLPacket
getType() - Method in class core.messages.PresenceMessage
Returns the PresenceType for this PresenceMessage.
getType() - Method in class core.messages.SearchMessage
getType() - Method in class network.Packet
Return the packet type.
getUser() - Method in class core.SearchList.ResultList
getUserDirectory() - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Returns the users directory.
getUserName() - Method in class core.Contact
getUserName() - Method in class core.messages.SearchMessage
getVirtualAddress() - Method in class core.events.ChannelListEvent
getVirtualAddressToPacketID() - Method in class network.Network
getXML() - Method in class core.events.MessageReceivedEvent
getXML() - Method in class network.XMLPacket
getYou() - Method in class core.events.ChatBoxEvent
gui - package gui


handleSubscription(SubscriptionEvent) - Method in interface core.GuiListener
handleSubscription(SubscriptionEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp


ILLEGAL_PATTERN - Static variable in class gui.SignInBox
INTERNAL - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
IP - Static variable in class network.Packet
Packets of this type contain an IP address payload.
IPCache - class network.IPCache.
IPCache(Network, int) - Constructor for class network.IPCache
Creates a new IPCache.
IPPacket - class network.IPPacket.
A Packet with an IP address payload for a needy neighbor.
IPPacket(String) - Constructor for class network.IPPacket
Creates a new IPPacket.
IPRequestPacket - class network.IPRequestPacket.
A packet to request IPs from neighbors.
IPRequestPacket(int) - Constructor for class network.IPRequestPacket
Create an a packet to request IP addresses from neighbors to add to own cache.
IPServer - class network.IPServer.
A client whose sole purpose is to dish out IP addresses.
IPServer(String) - Constructor for class network.IPServer
Creates a new IPServer and starts it.
IP_CACHE_FILENAME - Static variable in class network.IPCache
file name of local cache of IPs of other users
IP_REQUEST - Static variable in class network.Packet
Packets of this type request IPPackets from neighbor.
IP_SERVER - Static variable in class network.IPServer
IS_IP_SERVER - Static variable in class network.IPServer
InfoBox - class gui.InfoBox.
This will be the window that will be used to take in information about the user.
InfoBox(Contact, boolean) - Constructor for class gui.InfoBox
This is the constructor used to take input from the user.
incomingPresence(PresenceMessage) - Method in class core.PresenceManager
index(DomEcho.AdapterNode) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.AdapterNode
index(DomEcho02.AdapterNode) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.AdapterNode
initialPresence() - Method in class core.PresenceManager
Sends presence probes and availability to properly subscribed contacts.
insertElementAt(Contact, int) - Method in class core.SearchList.ResultList
isConnected() - Method in class network.Neighbor
Returns whether or not there is a connection open to this Neighbor.
isFirstSignIn() - Method in class gui.SignInBox
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
isPendingIn() - Method in class core.Contact
Determines if there are incoming subscription requests pending for this Contact.
isPendingOut() - Method in class core.Contact
Determines if there are outgoing subscription requests pending for this Contact.
isRemoved() - Method in class network.Neighbor
Indicates whether or not this Neighbor has started yet or has been stopped.
isTTLZero() - Method in class network.XMLPacket


KeyCreator - class crypto.KeyCreator.
Class to generate encryption keys
KeyCreator() - Constructor for class crypto.KeyCreator
KeyDemo - class test.KeyDemo.
KeyDemo() - Constructor for class test.KeyDemo
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class gui.PresenceBox
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class gui.PresenceBox
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class gui.PresenceBox


LAST_USER_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class core.MessengerApp
LOCALHOST - Static variable in class network.Network
last() - Static method in class core.types.ErrorCondition
last() - Static method in class core.types.MessageType
last() - Static method in class core.types.PresenceType
last() - Static method in class core.types.SearchType
loadListFromFile(File) - Method in class core.ContactList
Loads the ContactList from a file on disk.


MAX_NEIGHBORS - Static variable in class network.Network
MESSAGE - Static variable in class core.types.MessageType
MESSENGER_DIR_NAME - Static variable in class core.prefs.Prefs
The name of the directory to save files in user's home.
MIN_NEIGHBORS - Static variable in class network.Network
MY_INFO - Static variable in class core.MessengerApp
MY_NICK_NAME - Static variable in class core.MessengerApp
MaintainNeighbors - class network.MaintainNeighbors.
Periodically checks if the number of neighbors is below the minimum number of neighbors.
MaintainNeighbors(Network) - Constructor for class network.MaintainNeighbors
Creates a new MaintainNeighbors TimerTask.
Message - class core.Message.
Universal class for a message.
MessageFactory - class core.MessageFactory.
MessageFactory() - Constructor for class core.MessageFactory
MessageReceivedEvent - class core.events.MessageReceivedEvent.
MessageReceivedEvent(Object, byte[]) - Constructor for class core.events.MessageReceivedEvent
MessageTest - class test.MessageTest.
MessageTest() - Constructor for class test.MessageTest
MessageType - class core.types.MessageType.
MessengerApp - class core.MessengerApp.
The main class.
MessengerApp() - Constructor for class core.MessengerApp
main(String[]) - Static method in class core.MessengerApp
main(String[]) - Static method in class examples.xml.DomEcho
main(String[]) - Static method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02
main(String[]) - Static method in class gui.InfoBox
A testing Main method, to display the box.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gui.PresenceBox
main(String[]) - Static method in class gui.RouteDisplay
main(String[]) - Static method in class network.IPServer
Creates and starts an IPServer with name args[0] or "ipserver" by default.
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.Base64Test
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.ContactListTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.DynamicList
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.KeyDemo
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.MessageTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.NetworkResponder
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.TypeTest
makeCompactGrid(Container, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class gui.GuiUtilities
Aligns the first rows * cols components of parent in a grid.
makeFrame() - Static method in class examples.xml.DomEcho
makeFrame() - Static method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02
makeGrid(Container, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class gui.GuiUtilities
Aligns the first rows * cols components of parent in a grid.
messageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
What to do when message is received.
messageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent) - Method in interface core.NetworkListener
messageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent) - Method in class gui.RouteDisplay
messageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent) - Method in class network.IPServer
We should never recieve messages, so this does nothing.
messageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent) - Method in class test.NetworkResponder
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.ContactListBox
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.ContactListBox
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.ContactListBox
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.ContactListBox
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.UserListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.ContactListBox
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gui.UserListener


NOACCEPT - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
NOALLOW - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
NOAUTH - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
NUM_PORTS - Static variable in class network.Network
The number of ports to listen on
NUM_TYPES - Static variable in class network.Packet
There are NUM_TYPES number of packet types.
Neighbor - class network.Neighbor.
This class sends and receives packets from a neighbor.
Neighbor(Socket, Network, boolean) - Constructor for class network.Neighbor
Creates a new Neighbor.
NeighborConnectedEvent - class core.events.NeighborConnectedEvent.
NeighborConnectedEvent(Object) - Constructor for class core.events.NeighborConnectedEvent
Network - class network.Network.
This is the the only class that any other layer of our project should care about.
Network(String, Prefs, Vector) - Constructor for class network.Network
Create a new Network with no neighbors and a server that listens for connections.
NetworkEvent - class core.events.NetworkEvent.
NetworkEvent(Object) - Constructor for class core.events.NetworkEvent
NetworkListener - interface core.NetworkListener.
NetworkNotifier - class network.NetworkNotifier.
Calls methods implemented by NetworkListeners.
NetworkNotifier() - Constructor for class network.NetworkNotifier
NetworkResponder - class test.NetworkResponder.
NetworkResponder() - Constructor for class test.NetworkResponder
neighborConnected(NeighborConnectedEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
neighborConnected(NeighborConnectedEvent) - Method in interface core.NetworkListener
neighborConnected(NeighborConnectedEvent) - Method in class gui.RouteDisplay
neighborConnected(NeighborConnectedEvent) - Method in class network.IPServer
neighborConnected(NeighborConnectedEvent) - Method in class test.NetworkResponder
network - package network
newMessageFromXML(byte[]) - Static method in class core.MessageFactory
next() - Method in class core.types.ErrorCondition
next() - Method in class core.types.MessageType
next() - Method in class core.types.PresenceType
next() - Method in class core.types.SearchType
notifyUser() - Method in class gui.ChatBox
Makes the toolbar icon blink if the window doesn't have focus This only works in windows


ord - Variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
ord - Variable in class core.types.MessageType
ord - Variable in class core.types.PresenceType
ord - Variable in class core.types.SearchType


PAD - Static variable in class gui.GuiUtilities
PAYMENT - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
PORT - Static variable in class network.Network
The first port for this app, avail range: 32636-32765
PORT_INC - Static variable in class network.Network
The next port to check
PREFS_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class core.prefs.Prefs
The name of preference files.
PRESENCE - Static variable in class core.types.MessageType
PROBE - Static variable in class core.types.PresenceType
Packet - class network.Packet.
The Packet class from which all others types of packets inherit.
Packet(int) - Constructor for class network.Packet
Creates a new Packet of type t.
PrefChangedEvent - class core.prefs.PrefChangedEvent.
The event object thrown when a preference is changed.
PrefChangedEvent(Object, String) - Constructor for class core.prefs.PrefChangedEvent
Creates a PrefChangedEvent.
PreferencesBox - class gui.PreferencesBox.
This is called when you click on the preferences menu item.
PreferencesBox(Prefs) - Constructor for class gui.PreferencesBox
Prefs - class core.prefs.Prefs.
Handle user and wide preferences.
Prefs() - Constructor for class core.prefs.Prefs
Creates a new prefs object for no particular user.
Prefs(IPServer, String) - Constructor for class core.prefs.Prefs
Creates a special preference location for an IPServer.
PrefsListener - interface core.prefs.PrefsListener.
The interface that must be implemented to catch Prefs events.
PrefsNotifier - class core.prefs.PrefsNotifier.
Calls methods implemented by PrefsListeners.
PrefsNotifier() - Constructor for class core.prefs.PrefsNotifier
PresenceBox - class gui.PresenceBox.
This will be a window that is used to ask the user if they want to join the subscription list of an unknown user.
PresenceBox(Contact, PresenceManager) - Constructor for class gui.PresenceBox
Creates a new presence box that will prompt the user as to whether or not they want to send presence updates to this perticular VA.
PresenceManager - class core.PresenceManager.
This class is responsible for updating presence information to the application.
PresenceManager(ContactList, Contact) - Constructor for class core.PresenceManager
PresenceMessage - class core.messages.PresenceMessage.
PresenceMessage(String, String, PresenceType) - Constructor for class core.messages.PresenceMessage
Creates a new instance of ErrorMessage.
PresenceMessage(String, String, PresenceType, long) - Constructor for class core.messages.PresenceMessage
Creates a new instance of ErrorMessage.
PresenceMessage(String, String, PresenceType, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class core.messages.PresenceMessage
Creates a new instance of ErrorMessage.
PresenceMessage(String, String, PresenceType, String, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class core.messages.PresenceMessage
Creates a new instance of ErrorMessage.
PresenceType - class core.types.PresenceType.
prefChanged(PrefChangedEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
prefChanged(PrefChangedEvent) - Method in interface core.prefs.PrefsListener
A preference has been changed.
preferencesBoxOpened(EventObject) - Method in interface core.GuiListener
preferencesBoxOpened(EventObject) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
prev() - Method in class core.types.ErrorCondition
prev() - Method in class core.types.MessageType
prev() - Method in class core.types.PresenceType
prev() - Method in class core.types.SearchType
print() - Method in class network.ChannelList
Print the channel list in a readable format.
printChannelList(String) - Method in class network.Network
Print channel list associated with from address
printChannelList(String) - Method in class network.RoutingTable
print channels associated with from address
probe() - Method in class core.Contact
Sets the number of probes sent to this Contact so far.


REDIRECT - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
REGISTER - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
REMOTE - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
REQ_FIELD - Static variable in class gui.GuiUtilities
RESOURCE - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
RESULT - Static variable in class core.types.SearchType
RouteDisplay - class gui.RouteDisplay.
RouteDisplay(ContactList) - Constructor for class gui.RouteDisplay
RoutingTable - class network.RoutingTable.
Contains a list of up to MAX_SIZE of the most active virtual addresses.
RoutingTable(Network, Vector) - Constructor for class network.RoutingTable
Creates an empty routing table.
reloadServers() - Method in class network.IPCache
Add servers to cache list again, in case they were replaced during session and we then we lose all connections and need them again.
reloadServers() - Method in class network.Network
loads server ips into cache again.
remove(Contact) - Method in class core.PresenceManager
remove(int) - Method in class network.ChannelList
Removes the reference to a neighbor at the given index from the ChannelList.
removeAddress() - Method in class network.IPCache
Removes an address from the IPCache.
removeChannel(String, String) - Method in class gui.RouteDisplay
removeContact() - Method in class gui.ContactListBox
removeListener(EventListener) - Method in class core.EventNotifier
Remove a listener.
removeNeighbor(Neighbor, String) - Method in class network.Network
Remove the neighbor with the given address from the list of neighbors.
removeSearches(int[]) - Method in class core.SearchList
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
reset() - Method in class core.Contact
Resets the probe variable to indicate that the Contact has recently responded to a probe message.
restamp() - Method in class core.Message
routeDisplayOpenend(EventObject) - Method in interface core.GuiListener
routeDisplayOpenend(EventObject) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
run() - Method in class core.PresenceManager
run() - Method in class network.MaintainNeighbors
If the number of neighbors is under minimum, try to add some neighbors from the cache.
run() - Method in class network.Neighbor
While the thread is running, deal with the packets coming in from the associated neighbor.
run() - Method in class network.Server
While the thread is running, listen for incoming connection requests on port Network.PORT and notifies the Network so it can create a connection.


SEARCH - Static variable in class core.types.MessageType
SERVER_CACHE_FILENAME - Static variable in class network.IPCache
file name of local cache of IPs of cache servers.
SERVICE - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
SOUNDS_KEY - Static variable in class core.MessengerApp
SPLIT - Static variable in class core.SearchList
SPLIT_PATTERN - Static variable in class core.SearchList
SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class core.types.PresenceType
SUBSCRIBED - Static variable in class core.types.PresenceType
SearchList - class core.SearchList.
SearchList() - Constructor for class core.SearchList
SearchList.ResultList - class core.SearchList.ResultList.
SearchList.ResultList(SearchMessage) - Constructor for class core.SearchList.ResultList
SearchMessage - class core.messages.SearchMessage.
Adapted from Adam's PresenceMessage.java
SearchMessage(String, String, String) - Constructor for class core.messages.SearchMessage
SearchMessage(String, SearchMessage, String, String, String) - Constructor for class core.messages.SearchMessage
SearchMessage(String, String, SearchType, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class core.messages.SearchMessage
SearchMessage(String, String, SearchType, String, String, String, long, long) - Constructor for class core.messages.SearchMessage
SearchType - class core.types.SearchType.
Adapted from Adam's PresenceType.java
SendMessageEvent - class core.events.SendMessageEvent.
SendMessageEvent(Object, Message) - Constructor for class core.events.SendMessageEvent
Server - class network.Server.
Listens for connection requests.
Server(Network) - Constructor for class network.Server
Constructs a new Server for the given Network.
SignInBox - class gui.SignInBox.
This is the first window the user will see.
SignInBox(Prefs) - Constructor for class gui.SignInBox
SignInEvent - class core.events.SignInEvent.
This is the event that will be thrown when the user successfully signs in.
SignInEvent(Object, Contact) - Constructor for class core.events.SignInEvent
Signatures - class crypto.Signatures.
Provides methods to digitally sign and verify signatures
Signatures() - Constructor for class crypto.Signatures
SubscriptionEvent - class core.events.SubscriptionEvent.
SubscriptionEvent(Object, Contact) - Constructor for class core.events.SubscriptionEvent
save() - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Saves the user's prefs file and wide prefs file.
save() - Method in class gui.ContactListBox
save() - Method in class network.IPCache
Save the IPCache to a local file.
save(File) - Method in class network.IPCache
Saves the IPCache to the given file.
saveContactList(File) - Method in class core.ContactList
Saves a ContactList to the File specified.
saveConv() - Method in class gui.ChatBox
Saves the conversation.
search(SearchMessage) - Method in class gui.ContactListBox
This is called from the MessangerApp for SearchMessages
sendIPs(Neighbor, int) - Method in class network.Network
Send the IPs of our neighbors to the requesting neighbor
sendMessage(SendMessageEvent) - Method in interface core.GuiListener
sendMessage(SendMessageEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
sendMessage(Message) - Method in class network.Network
Send the TextMessage message.
sendPacket(Packet) - Method in class network.Neighbor
Sends the given packet through socket.
sendPacket(XMLPacket, Neighbor) - Method in class network.Network
Send the Packet.
sendPacket(XMLPacket, Neighbor) - Method in class network.RoutingTable
Routes the given packet.
sendPacketToNeighbor(Packet, Neighbor) - Method in class network.Network
sendSearchMessage(SendMessageEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
setAdditionalInfo(String) - Method in class core.Contact
setAddress(String) - Method in class core.Contact
Care should be taken when using this method.
setHideOnClose() - Method in class gui.SignInBox
setNewUser(String) - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Set preferences to be the preferences for the given user.
setNickname(String) - Method in class core.Contact
setPendingIn(boolean) - Method in class core.Contact
Specifies whether or not incoming subscription requests are pending for this Contact.
setPendingOut(boolean) - Method in class core.Contact
Specifies whether or not outgoing subscription requests are pending for this Contact.
setPreference(String, String) - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Set the user preference with given key to the given value.
setPreference(String, int) - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Set the user preference with given key to the given value.
setPreference(String, boolean) - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Set the user preference with given key to the given value.
setPresence(PresenceType) - Method in class core.Contact
setShow(String) - Method in class core.Contact
setSignature(byte[]) - Method in class core.messages.TextMessage
setSignature(byte[]) - Method in class network.XMLPacket
Sets the signature of the message
setStatus(String) - Method in class core.Contact
setSubscription(String) - Method in class core.Contact
Sets the subscription status of this user.
setTTL(int) - Method in class network.XMLPacket
Sets the TTL to the given value
setTimestamp(long) - Method in class core.Contact
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
Makes the addContactBox visible or invisible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class gui.PreferencesBox
Makes the prefBox visible or invisible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class gui.RouteDisplay
setWidePreference(String, String) - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Set the wide preference with given key to the given value.
setWidePreference(String, int) - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Set the wide preference with given key to the given value.
setWidePreference(String, boolean) - Method in class core.prefs.Prefs
Set the wide preference with given key to the given value.
sign(PrivateKey, byte[]) - Static method in class crypto.Signatures
Digitally signs the given data using the given KeyPair's private key
signIn(SignInEvent) - Method in interface core.GuiListener
signIn(SignInEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
What to do when someone signs in.
size() - Static method in class core.types.ErrorCondition
size() - Static method in class core.types.MessageType
size() - Static method in class core.types.PresenceType
size() - Static method in class core.types.SearchType
size() - Method in class network.IPCache
start() - Method in class core.PresenceManager
start() - Method in class network.MaintainNeighbors
start() - Method in class network.Neighbor
Start the Neighbor Thread.
start() - Method in class network.Server
Start the Server thread.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class gui.PreferencesBox
stop() - Method in class core.PresenceManager
stop() - Method in class network.MaintainNeighbors
stop() - Method in class network.Neighbor
Stop the Neighbor Thread.
stop() - Method in class network.Network
Stop the network.
stop() - Method in class network.Server
Stop the Server thread.
subscribe(Contact) - Method in class core.PresenceManager
Sends a subscription request to the Contact specified.


TIMESTAMP_KEY - Static variable in class core.MessengerApp
TextMessage - class core.messages.TextMessage.
TextMessage(String, String, String) - Constructor for class core.messages.TextMessage
TextMessage(String, String, String, long, byte[]) - Constructor for class core.messages.TextMessage
TypeTest - class test.TypeTest.
TypeTest() - Constructor for class test.TypeTest
test - package test
toString() - Method in class core.Contact
This is what is displayed as the text of the Contact list.
toString() - Method in class core.SearchList.ResultList
toString() - Method in class core.types.ErrorCondition
toString() - Method in class core.types.MessageType
toString() - Method in class core.types.PresenceType
toString() - Method in class core.types.SearchType
toString() - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.AdapterNode
toString() - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.AdapterNode
toString() - Method in class network.Neighbor
toXML() - Method in class core.Message
toXML() - Method in class core.messages.ErrorMessage
Converts the contents of this message to XML
toXML() - Method in class core.messages.PresenceMessage
Converts the contents of this message to XML
toXML() - Method in class core.messages.SearchMessage
toXML() - Method in class core.messages.TextMessage


UNAVAIL - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class core.types.PresenceType
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
UNEDITABLE_FIELD - Static variable in class gui.GuiUtilities
UNEXPECTED - Static variable in class core.types.ErrorCondition
UNSUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class core.types.PresenceType
UNSUBSCRIBED - Static variable in class core.types.PresenceType
UserListener - class gui.UserListener.
undoChanges() - Method in class gui.PreferencesBox
Checks if there were any changes to the spinners and checkboxes, and if so, sets them back.
uniformChannelAdded(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
uniformChannelAdded(ChannelListEvent) - Method in interface core.NetworkListener
uniformChannelAdded(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class gui.RouteDisplay
uniformChannelAdded(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class network.IPServer
uniformChannelAdded(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class test.NetworkResponder
uniformChannelRemoved(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class core.MessengerApp
uniformChannelRemoved(ChannelListEvent) - Method in interface core.NetworkListener
uniformChannelRemoved(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class gui.RouteDisplay
uniformChannelRemoved(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class network.IPServer
uniformChannelRemoved(ChannelListEvent) - Method in class test.NetworkResponder
update() - Method in class core.ContactList
Updates the gui element associated with this ContactList


VA_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class crypto.VirtualAddress
VirtualAddress - class crypto.VirtualAddress.
Class to generate and handle virtual addresses
VirtualAddress() - Constructor for class crypto.VirtualAddress
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho.DomToTreeModelAdapter
valueForPathChanged(TreePath, Object) - Method in class examples.xml.DomEcho02.DomToTreeModelAdapter
verify(PublicKey, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class crypto.Signatures
Verifies the signature on the given data using the given KeyPair


windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.AddContactBox
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class gui.ChatBox


XML - Static variable in class network.Packet
Packets of this type contain an XML payload.
XMLPacket - class network.XMLPacket.
A Packet with an XML payload.
XMLPacket(byte[], String, String, long) - Constructor for class network.XMLPacket