Interface ErrorHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
ErrorHandler.Lister, ErrorHandler.StdErr, ErrorHandler.Trivial, LearningTool.LTErrorHandler

public interface ErrorHandler

Passed to functions that may report errors in the .gui file. This way many can be collected and reported, rather than just the first exception thrown.

Nested Class Summary
static class ErrorHandler.Lister
          An error handler that just stuffs everything in a list
static class ErrorHandler.StdErr
          An error handler that handles anything, spitting it to stderr.
static class ErrorHandler.Trivial
          An error handler that handles nothing.
Method Summary
 boolean anyErrors()
 boolean handleError(GUIFileException error)
          Handle the error.

Method Detail


boolean handleError(GUIFileException error)
Handle the error. It is up to the implementor what to do with the error; possibilities include printing it to the screen, adding it to a list to be retrieved later, ignoring it, etc.

error - The error to handle.
true if the error was handled. Implementors may use this to be selective about which errors they handle.


boolean anyErrors()
true if this handler has handled any errors.