Lesson 7: Oh, the things you can draw!


  1. Guest speaker: Catalina from Lovelace
  2. Mini-quiz
  3. Creating and using graphical objects
    • Constructors
    • Calling methods of objects
    • Exercise 1
  4. Interactive graphics
  5. Aliasing

What we didn’t get to:

  1. Case study: graphing future value (Zelle section 4.5)
    • A good example of designing a program to display data.
  2. Coordinate transformations (Zelle section 4.6)
    • This will also come up in assignment 3, so look for it there.

Reading assignment (to be completed by the next class):

  • Zelle sections 4.4-4.7 (pp. 91-112)
  • Zelle section 4.9 (pp. 122-123)

You might also useful to skim the “Graphics Module Reference” section:

  • Zelle section 4.8 (pp. 112-122)