
Software Released at Carleton College

TuELiP - an integer linear programming based method that given a set of potential tumor evolutionary histories, and weights for each one, finds a weighted consensus (or representative) history.   Download (BitBucket)

CASet and DISC - distance measures designed to account for different sublconal inheritance patterns between tumor evolutionary trees.   Download (BitBucket)


GraPhyC - an algorithm that given a set of potential tumor evolutionary histories, finds a consensus (or representative) history.   Download (BitBucket)


H/T Alternating Fraction - a measurement of one potential signature of chromothripsis that can be computed using DNA sequencing data.   Download (BitBucket)

Software Released at Brown University

AncesTree - an algorithm that infers the clonal evolution and tumor composition, including mixing fractions, of a tumor from multi-sample DNA sequence data.   Software Page Download (GitHub) Google Group


THetA/THetA2 - an algorithm that estimates the tumor purity and clonal/sublconal copy number aberrations directly from high-throughput DNA sequencing data. The latest release is called THetA2 and includes a number of improvements over previous versions.   Software Page Download (GitHub) Google Group


PREGO - an algorithm that reconstructs a cancer genome as a rearrangement of segments, or intervals, from the reference genome using paired-end sequencing data.   Software Page


Other - the programs listed above and all other software from the Raphael research group can be found at the following link.   Software Page