
Create a file called and put all of your code for today inside this file.

Exercise 1

Earlier in the term we looked at the following expression.

bounded_val = min(max(val,lower), upper)

The idea is that after the expression is evaluated, the number val is “bounded” between the values of lower and upper. This is a useful thing to do, especially when grading homework assignments since you usually want to bound grades to be between 0 and 100.

a. Write a function and name it bound_between that takes three numeric parameters: val, lower, and upper. The function should return the value of val, but bounded between the values of lower and upper.

b. Save your file and open up a REPL environment in the same directory as the file.

c. Play around with your function by executing the following commands in the REPL.

>>> from functions_lab import bound_between
>>> bounded_val = bound_between(120,0,100)
>>> print(bounded_val)

After executing the above commands, the value of bounded_val should be 100 since it is bounded to be between 0 and 100.

d. Execute your bound_between function on a variety of other inputs to make sure it is working properly.

Exercise 2

An interesting function in mathematics is called the hailstone function. The function is simple; it takes a single positive integer input n and it does the following:

  • If n is even, return n divided by 2
  • If n is odd, return n multiplied by 3

a. Write this function and add it to your file.

b. Test it in the REPL by importing it and then executing the function are a variety of n.

>>> from functions_lab import hailstone

If you’re interested in why the hailstone function is interesting in mathematics, for fun you could read up on the Collatz conjecture! Although, you should not do this now—move on to the next exercise instead!

Exercise 3

a. Write a function called is_valid_date that takes an integer month and an integer day for parameters and returns True if it is a valid date and False otherwise. Here are a few example executions of it in the REPL.

>>> is_valid_date(1, 30)
>>> is_valid_date(2, 30)
>>> is_valid_date(9, 30)
>>> is_valid_date(9, 31)
>>> is_valid_date(9, -1)
>>> is_valid_date(9, 250)

b. Test your function by executing it on the examples above in the REPL. Remember that you’ll need to import it first by executing.

>>> from functions_lab import is_valid_date

Exercise 4

a. Write a function called middle_element that takes in a list or a string and returns the middle element. If the length of the list or string is even, it should return the first of the two middle elements. For example,

>>> middle_element([5,7,1])
>>> middle_element("quick")
>>> middle_element("browns")
>>> middle_element(["the", "quick", "brown", "fox"])

b. Test your function in the REPL.

Exercise 5

a. Write a function called sum_to that takes a single integer parameter n and returns the sum of all the integers less than or equal to n. For example, sum_to(5) should evaluate to 15 since 1+2+3+4+5=15. Below are some example return values.

>>> sum_to(1)
>>> sum_to(2)
>>> sum_to(3)
>>> sum_to(4)