CS208 Introduction to Computer Systems Wednesday, 21 February 2024 + Buffer overflow - Troublesome problem with 0x0A (newline) - Other questions - Is this still relevant? Looney Tunables, Oct 2023 + Palate cleanser: some binary stuff - 2^10 ≈ 10^3, so...2^10, 2^20, 2^30,... - Colors Why do monitors advertise "16 million colors!!!" 8-bit color R (red) - 8 bits G (green) - 8 bits B (blue) - 8 bits Each color is represented by 24 bits 2^24 ≈ 2^4 * 1 million ≈ 16 million - IP addresses (e.g. mantis: is a decimal representation, more or less human-readable, of a 32-bit address 10001001 00010110 00000100 212inbinary ===== Bye-bye for now, assembly language ===== + Let's play with ls - What do you see here? ls -al (or ls -a -l, or ls -la, or ls -l -a) - How about here? ls (or ls -a, without the -l) - Why does my terminal behave differently than yours? - Editing .bashrc, .bash_profile, .zshrc alias ls='ls -aF --color=auto' (Linux, zsh) alias ls='ls -aF --color' (Linux, bash) alias ls='ls -aFG' (macOS, bash) + Processes - forktest.c - exectest.c