Using the Homework Submission Program

To use the HSP, type the following in a terminal window:

hsp professor class file

So, for example, to submit a program named "savetheworld.p" for Jeff Ondich's CS117 class, you would type

hsp ondich cs117 savetheworld.p

Here are more detailed notes on the professor, class, and file fields of the hsp command.


The last name of the instructor of the course you are submitting the homework for. This is case insensitive, so the following are all valid while these are invalid


The name of the class you are submitting the homework for. Since right now, only computer science classes are using hsp, this field must have the form csxxx where xxx is the number of the course. This is also case insensitive, so "cs117", "CS117", and "cS117" are valid, but "117" and "cs 117" are not.


The name of the file you want to submit. This is case sensitive, since UNIX is case sensitive. Thus you must type the name of the file exactly.

If you have a whole bunch of files that need to be submitted for one particular assignment, you can submit them en masse by putting them into a directory and using the name of that directory as the file name in the hsp command.

Other details

Once you have submitted a file with a particular name, you cannot submit another file of that same name.

If you misspell the name of the professor or the class or otherwise make a mistake, hsp will prompt you with a list of professors and classes to choose from.

If you just type "hsp", hsp will prompt you for professor, class, and file name.

Jeff Ondich, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057
(507) 646-4364,