CS 334: Introduction Assignment

Table of Contents

Pair programming preferences

Fill out this form to let me know some info about you and your preferences regarding pair programming.

What to turn in: Make sure you submit your responses to the above form.


For some assignments this term, we'll be using the open-source database system PostgreSQL (generally spoken out loud as "postgres."). Over break, you should have received a password for PostgreSQL by email from Mike Tie. See him immediately if you don't have such a password. Then make sure that your password actually works: you won't need it for the first few assignments, but let's all just solve those pesky login problems now.

PostgreSQL is installed on the department computer named perlman. You can connect to perlman via a terminal window from any department computer by typing ssh perlman. (If you're connecting remotely from a non-lab computer, you'll likely need to use the longer form ssh username@perlman.mathcs.carleton.edu.)

After you've gotten into perlman, type psql to start up the SQL interface to PostgreSQL. Mike Tie tells me that you shouldn't even need a password at this point. However, if it turns out you do, enter the password you received from Mike Tie. If that doesn't work, you'll get a password authentication error: visit Mike Tie for help. If it works, you'll see a psql prompt. Celebrate, then logout of psql and then perlman by pressing ctrl-d twice.

What to turn in: In the submission box in Moodle for this assignment, tell me that you've successfully logged into psql by saying something like "I have successfully logged into perlman and started psql."