
Table of Contents

For this part of the assignment, you'll implement a parser for Scheme, in C. (You must implement the parser from scratch - don't use Yacc, Bison, ANTLR, or any similar tool, even if you know what it is and how to use it.)

This assignment is to be done individually. You can talk to other people in the class, me (Dave), and any of the course staff (graders, lab assistants, teaching assistants, prefects) for ideas and to gain assistance. You can help each other debug programs, if you wish. The code that you write should be your own, however, and you shouldn't directly share your code with others. See the course syllabus for more details or just ask me if I can clarify.

1 Get started

1.1 GitHub and

Hopefully, you know the routine by now. Here is the GitHub classroom link. Feel free to look back at the previous assignment if you need a reminder on getting everything set up.

2 Assignment details

You should create a parser.c file that implements the functions specified in parser.h. Particularly, you will need to write a function parse that uses the token list from the last assignment to construct a list of parse trees.

For example, here is a syntactically correct Scheme program:

(define x (quote a))
(define y x)
(car y)

Any Scheme program consists of a list of S-expressions. An S-expression always has parentheses around it, unless it is an atom. Note that a Scheme program itself, then, is not a single S-expression; it is a list of S-expressions.

Your parse function should therefore return a list, using the linked list structure that we have been using, of parse trees. A parse tree, in turn, uses the linked list structure again to represent a tree. For example, the expression (define x (quote a)) would become the following parse tree, where each box is a Value:


The above parse tree structure would be the first item in a 3-item linked list that represents the above Scheme program.

Do not include parentheses in your parse tree. Their purpose is to tell you the structure of the tree, so once you have an actual tree you don't need them anymore - they'll only get in the way. (Technically, this means that you're creating an abstract syntax tree, not a parse tree, since not all of the input is preserved.)

Parsing languages can be pretty complicated. The good news is that parsing Scheme is really easy, at least in a relative sense. Since your Scheme code IS a tree, you just need to be able to read it as such and turn it into a tree in memory. You can do it with a stack of tokens:

  • Initialize an empty stack.
  • While there are more tokens:
    • Get the next token.
    • If the token is anything other than a close paren, push it onto the stack.
    • If the token is a close paren, start popping items from your stack until you pop off an open paren (and form a list of them as you go). Push that list back on the stack.

So you'll need a stack… your linked list is a fine candidate for it.

You'll also need to write a printTree function. The output format for a parse tree of valid Scheme code is very simple: it looks exactly like Scheme code! To output an internal node in the parse tree, output ( followed by the outputs of the children of that internal node from left to right followed by ). To output a leaf node (a non-parenthetical token), just output its value as you did in the tokenizer, sans type.

3 Syntax errors

As with the tokenizer, your parser should never crash with a segmentation fault, bus error, or the like. Here are the different types of syntax errors you should handle:

  1. If the input code ever has too many close parentheses (in other words, if you ever encounter a close paren that doesn't match a previous open paren), print Syntax error: too many close parentheses.
  2. If the parse function returns an incomplete parse tree and the end of the input is reached and there are too few close parentheses, print Syntax error: not enough close parentheses.

If you ever encounter a syntax error, your program should exit after printing the error - don't do any more parsing. This is why we wrote the function texit. Before exiting, you should output the text "Syntax error". Also feel free to print Scheme code around the error to be helpful if you can, though this optional.

Most production parsers continue to try to parse after an error to provide additional error messages. Your efforts here may help you to gain some sympathy as to why all error messages after the first one are questionable!

4 Sample executions

$ cat test-in-01.scm
(if 2 3)
(+ ))

$ cat test-in-02.scm
(define map
  (lambda (f L)
    (if (null? L)
        (cons (f (car L))
              (map f (cdr L))))))

$ cat test-in-03.scm
1 2 (3)

$ ./interpreter < test-in-01.scm
Syntax error: too many close parentheses

$ ./interpreter < test-in-02.scm
(define map (lambda (f L) (if (null? L) L (cons (f (car L)) (map f (cdr L))))))

$ ./interpreter < test-in-03.scm
1 2 (3)

5 Formatting your output

You may find that it is easier to produce output similar to the above but with extraneous white space. For me, I had to hack some extra code to make sure that the last item of a list didn't have a space between it and the closing paren that followed it. You may have extraneous whitespace in your output if you wish (see capstone work).

6 Sample code

Here is a rough approximation of part of my parse function. My addToParseTree function takes in a pre-existing tree, a token to add to it, and a pointer to an integer depth. depth is updated to represent the number of unclosed open parentheses in the parse tree. The parse tree is complete if and only if depth is 0 when the parse function returns.

Value *parse(Value *tokens) {

    Value *tree = makeNull();
    int depth = 0;

    Value *current = tokens;
    assert(current != NULL && "Error (parse): null pointer");
    while (current->type != NULL_TYPE) {
        Value *token = car(current);
        tree = addToParseTree(tree, &depth, token);
        current = cdr(current);
    if (depth != 0) {

7 Capstone work

Work in this section is 100% optional, and doesn't contribute towards your grade. Nonetheless, if you're looking for an extra challenge, these are fun additional exercises to try.

  • Format your output so that it resembles DrRacket output as closely as possible. Specifically, don't have an extraneous space after the last item in a list before the closing paren.
  • Correctly handle square brackets. Some dialects of Scheme allow you to use square brackets as an alternative to parentheses anywhere you like, so long as they match accordingly. Here is an example:

    (define [lambda (x) [+ x 1]])

    Once your parse tree is constructed, you should retain no memory of whether parentheses or square brackets were used, and your output should only show parentheses (just as DrRacket does). However, you'll need to add some extra details to the parse to make sure the input is correct. For example, even though you'll eventually transform (a [b c] d) to (a (b c) d), the input (a [b c) d] should result in a syntax error.

  • Correctly parse dotted pairs, e.g. (a . b).
  • Correctly parse a single quote, i.e '. Remember that 'a is really just an abbreviation for (quote a).

8 How to build your code

Look back at the tokenizer assignment, in the section titled "The files that you start with," on how to build your code as well as how to use my binaries for the previous assignments if you wish.

9 Testing your code

Run the tests with ./test-m and ./test-e, as usual, which will automatically compile all of your code and run the tests.

Your code should have no memory errors when running on any input (correct or incorrect) using valgrind. The testing scripts will automatically run valgrind on your code, and show you if there are memory errors.

10 What to submit

Make sure that you have added your new .c correctly, then push to GitHub. (You can leave out your compiled executables as well as the .o object files if you wish.)

Make sure to label your submission as usual via an appropriate commit message, and make sure your tests have run on GitHub.

Good luck, and have fun!

This assignment was originally created by David Liben-Nowell and has since been updated by Dave Musicant, Jed Yang, and Laura Effinger-Dean.