CS 342: Mobile Application Development

Status report #1

As you continue the design and implementation of your project, the next milestone is a technical status report, due 9:50AM Monday, May 18.

One prerequisite for your report will be to add a git tag named "status1" to your repository, and to push the tag to bitbucket or github, whichever you are using to host your repository. The code marked by this tag must build and run without crashing. (If you have undebugged code, comment it out or disconnect it so it doesn't get called.) See this explanation of git tags for help. Note in particular that a regular "git push" does not push tags, so to push your tag, you need to do a "git push origin --tags".

At the time of this report, your code should include all the Activities/ViewControllers (and navigation between them) that you expect your final product to have, even if some of them consist mainly of stub behavior. This is an opportunity for the client to get a feeling for the high-level appearance and behavior of the app while there is still time to make major adjustments.

With that in mind, you have two reporting tasks.

  1. Submit a report on your project so far. Treat this report as though you were submitting it to a paying client and to your boss (and your boss's boss). It should be formatted and written clearly and professionally (make sure, for example to proofread it). The contents of this report should be:

    • Title: the name of your project. Subtitle: "Status report"
    • Team member names
    • Client names
    • The https-based link to your repository. The repository itself must have a tag named "status1" as described above.
    • A list of features you expect the final product to have, in priority order. Mark each feature in the list as Complete, In Progress or Not Started.
    • A UML class diagram showing current and planned classes and their relationships. Indicate classes and methods that have not yet been implemented by preceding each their names with an asterisk.
  2. Provide your client with a demo of your app so far. You can do this in person or by giving the clients access to the app so they can try it themselves. (Note that if you want to do the latter with iOS, you'll need to give Mike Tie the client's UDID so he can incorporate it into our provisioning profile.)

Deliver your report as a PDF file to your client, and also submit it via Moodle. I'll warn the clients that the report is coming, and that they may ignore the UML diagram.

You may create your UML diagram however you wish. One free and straight-forward option is the Violet UML Editor.