CS 337 Programming Examples

  1. Example client/server code. Do not represent this code as good template code for industrial-strength client/server programs. This code is pedagogically oriented, and thus I have made some dramatic simplifications that you would not want to make if you were developing software for long-term use. I'll talk about these simplifications in class.

    Test this code as follows. First, go into hello.h and change HOST_NAME to the name of whatever machine you're working on. Then compile two servers and a client.

    Next, open two terminal windows. In one, start iterativeHelloServer running. Then, run helloClient in the other window. The server should report the connection in the server window, and the client should report the message it received from the server in the client window. The client will quit on its own, but the server will keep running. You can shut down the server with a CTRL-C in the server window.

    You can play the same game again with concurrentHelloServer and helloClient. But even after the iterativeHelloServer is no longer running, the port it had been listening to will be unavailable for a few minutes. So if concurrentHelloServer tells you "can't bind to 5554 port: Address already in use," just keep trying. Eventually the port will become available.

Jeff Ondich, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057, (507) 646-4364, jondich@carleton.edu