CS 257: Software Design

Web Application, Phase 7: the last phase!

For this phase, you'll complete your web application. You will produce a functioning website based on your API, providing people convenient and pleasant-to-use access to a variety of ways to search and view your chosen database.

Components of the final product

Your web application should be left running at your 52XX-numbered assigned port on perlman.mathcs.carleton.edu. (Forgotten your port numbers? Check the email sent to you by Mike Tie in August.) The "/" route (i.e. http://perlman.mathcs.carleton.edu:52XX/) should return your site's home page. Of course, for your web application to run, your API will also need to be running. Leave it running too, listening at your 51XX-numbered port.

Your cs257 repository, tagged with "webapp_final", should contain the following.

Grading rubric

Phase 6 grading will be graded as follows:

30 points = 8 (runs with nontrivial actions without crashing) + 6 (appropriate breadth of features) + 6 (usability) + 8 (code organization and style) + 2 (extra awesomeness)

Other notes

Have fun!