CS 252: Algorithms

Course Information


We're using Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd edition, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein. This book, often known as CLRS, is one of the classics of computer science. Besides being a big fat book, it's authoritative, impressively comprehensive given it's only 1312 pages long, and generally quite clearly written. There are other good Algorithms textbooks, but no matter which of those you might read, you'll want CLRS on your bookshelf.

All the reading and problem assignments from CLRS will assume that you're using the third edition.


Your course grade will be based on homework (25%) and three exams (25% each).

Questions on problem sets will be graded on a four-point scale (thanks to DLN for this elegant formulation):

Late homework will receive 25% reduction of score during the first 24 hours after the homework was due, and will receive a score of 0 after that. Consult me at least 24 hours before the paper is due if you have extraordinary circumstances preventing you from handing in your work on time. In real emergencies, contact me as soon as you are able.


Collaboration is a valuable way to learn, and I'm in favor of it. For this class, you may discuss the problems and projects with other people in the class as much as you like. However, you must prepare and submit your write-ups and code individually.

Things you must do:

Things you may not do:

Other things to consider: