CS 252: Algorithms

Seam carving, compression

Hand in your source code via Moodle by 8:30 AM Monday, 2 Nov 2015.

For this assignment, you will implement either seam carving or the Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm. You may write in Python, Java, C, or C++. Whichever language you choose, please make sure your program is runnable from the command line on the Macs in the CMC 3rd-floor labs.

Seam carving

Your program should support the command-line syntax:

python seamcarver.py input_image output_image number_of_seams_to_remove [--show]

or the equivalent in the other languages. So, for example:

java SeamCarver boats.png carved_boats.png 20 --show

would remove 20 successive vertical seams from boats.png, save the resulting image in carved_boats.png, and display on screen both the before and after images. Without the "--show", this same command would save the carved image in carved_boats.png, but would not display anything on screen. You may include other features for debugging or your own pleasure, but this core syntax must be supported.

I have written short image-processing samples in Python (image_example.py) and Java (ImageExample.java), in case you find them handy. The Java program uses only standard libraries. The Python program depends on the installation of pillow (importable as PIL). This is easy enough to install on your own machine ("pip install pillow"), but is already installed in the CMC 3rd-floor labs.


Your program should include the command-line syntax:

java LZW input_file output_file.lzw action

where action equals either "compress" or "decompress". For example, if you do this:

python lzw.py something.txt something.lzw compress
python lzw.py something.lzw decompressed.txt decompress
diff decompressed.txt something.txt

then the diff command should return no differences.

In addition to compressing and decompressing, your program should print a short summary of the operation to standard error, including the sizes (in bytes) of the input and output files. The summary should be simple, and look something like this:

something.txt: 2937 bytes something.lzw: 1423 bytes

Other notes