CS 227
Winter 1997

The Instructor
I can often be found in CMC 327. My office phone number is 646-4364, and my home number is 663-7123. My office hours for the fall term of 1996 are: Monday 2A, Tuesday 2:00-3:00, Wednesday 3A, and Friday 2A. I try to protect my Thursdays for research and attending first grade, so if you can, try to hit me up for help on other days. If you need help at some time other than office hours, you are welcome to drop by.
The textbook for this class is Computer Algorithms, 2nd edition, by Sara Baase. It's a good book. Please read it, preferably more than once.

I have put Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming, volumes 1-3, on closed reserve in the library. Reading Knuth is always a pleasure, so I encourage you to go browse through his books. I may also occasionally send you to these books with a more specific purpose.

Your Grade
Your grade in the course will be determined by your performance on two takehome midterm exams, a takehome final exam, and homework. Each of these four pieces will count for 25% of your grade.
Working Together
There will be some programming assignments for which I will insist that you work in groups. Otherwise, you may work alone or together on programs. For paper-and-pencil homework (the majority of the work in this class), I want you to do your write-ups on your own, but you may discuss the problems with each other. In any kind of work, if you use some other person's idea, you should give that person credit in writing.

Jeff Ondich, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057
(507) 646-4364, jondich@carleton.edu