Week 1, 2

Introduction to machine and assembly instruction sets via MIPS

Reading: Patterson and Hennessy, Chapter 2
Read starting immediately, and as needed for your homework
Reading: Supplement section 2.4 of P&H with the Wikipedia entries about two's complement integers, hexadecimal integer representation, and octal integer representation.
Read as you see fit. You need to be able to convert numbers between bases, and back and forth between two's complement and base ten.
Introducing MIPS and MARS
Do this by class time on Wednesday, April 2. Nothing to hand in.
Implementing multiplication in MIPS
Submit your multiplication.asm file via Moodle by 8:30 AM on Wednesday, April 9.

Week 3

The system stack. Intro to digital logic.

functions.c and functions.s
C and equivalent MIPS codel from April 11's class, for your reading pleasure.
Reading: Patterson and Hennessy, B.1-5, B.7-9
Get started now. You'll need the first few sections by April 16 and the rest by April 21.
Implementing function-calling and recursion in MIPS
Submit your recursion.asm file via Moodle by 8:30 AM on Wednesday, April 16.

Week 4

The takehome exam, more digital logic, transistors.

A few digital logic problems.
Hand in on paper Monday, April 21, 8:30 AM.
Takehome exam
Hand in ON PAPER Friday, April 25, 8:30 AM.

Week 5

Endianness, multiplication, and floating point numbers.

A few readings for the week.
Start reading now.
Read Chapter 4 of Patterson and Hennessy.
We'll be working on Chapter 4 for most of weeks 6 and 7.
A few problems on byte order, floating point, and multiplication.
Hand in on paper Friday, May 2, 8:30 AM.

Week 6


Some digital logic circuits.
Due on paper 8:30AM Friday, May 9.

Week 7

More fun with datapaths

Takehome exam #2.
Due on paper 8:30AM Wednesday, May 21.

Weeks 8-10

Pipelining, memory hierarchies, etc.

Takehome exam #3.
Due on paper or via email by 3:00PM Wednesday, June 4.