PDP8/E emulator documentation

The PAL assembler (pal), core-maker (coremake), and PDP8/E emulator (pdp8e) are installed and ready to use, more or less. I have gotten single-stepping to work, as far as I can tell. Consider this a beta release.

I will be writing more thorough documentation as soon as I can, but for now, you should use the help screen (type ? from inside the emulator) and your wits to test your programs.

To see my version of a simple-minded multiplication subroutine and the main program that tests it (do not expect optimized or especially good code), click here (this program will only look good if you set your editor's tabs to 4 characters).

The PDP8/E emulator will look best if you use a terminal window 80 columns by 24 lines. We're going to fix this, but for now, I recommend you not tempt fate.

Here is a list of steps to take to assemble and test your programs.

  1. Save your program in a ".pal" file.
  2. Type "pal -r yourprogram.pal" at the Unix prompt. This will create the files yourprogram.lst and yourprogram.rim.
  3. Type "coremake yourprogram.core < yourprogram.rim" at the Unix prompt. This will create yourprogram.core, the image of the PDP8/E's 4K RAM, all 0's except for your program.
  4. Run "pdp8e yourprogram.core". Have fun.

Thanks to Doug Jones for writing these tools, and to Lauren Jantz for modifying the user interface for the emulator.

Jeff Ondich, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057
(507) 646-4364, jondich@carleton.edu