CS 201: Data Structures


Hand in Sorter.java and sorting-report.pdf.

Work alone or with a partner of your choice.


Relevant code

Getting to know Sorter.java

Play around with Sorter.java to get to know it. Here are a few things you could do to get started. Do not hand in anything from this section.

Your tasks

For each of the following, add relevant code (if necessary) to your copy of Sorter.java, and write explanations in your sorting-report.pdf.

  1. Collect enough timing data to say whether this implementation of Selection Sort is behaving as you expected based on our Big-O analysis of the algorithm.
  2. Same thing, but for Merge Sort.
  3. For Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Merge Sort, identify the line(s) of code you would need to change to make the resulting array go in decreasing order instead of increasing order. Answer this one by showing in your sorting-report.pdf the relevant lines of code for each algorithm, and how they would need to change.
  4. Add an implementation of Quicksort to Sorter.java. Test it to make sure you got it right. If you borrowed the code from somewhere, cite your source.
  5. Add code to Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, and Quicksort to count the number of times each algorithm compares two elements of the array being sorted. Collect comparison-count data for a few representative values of N for all three algorithms. Report your observations something like this:

    NSelectionInsertionMerge Quick
    100[# of comparisons].........
  6. Try generating the table from the previous question again. Which numbers stay the same (if any) and which change (if any)? Why?

And of course...

Start early, ask questions, and have fun!