CS 127, Midterm 2
Due Monday, June 2, 1997

You may use your textbook, a computer, your brain, and, if available, divine guidance. Don't discuss this test with anyone other than Jeff Ondich.

  1. (8 points) Suppose you want to build a hash table of items whose keys are strings of letters. Let the slots be numbered 0 through 6, and let the hash function consist of taking the sum of the letters mod 7. For example, "dog" hashes to (4 + 15 + 7) mod 7, that is, 5. Suppose your table contains the items "dog", "bug", "ant", "bee", and "gnu".

  2. (6 points) Start with an empty max-heap and add the items D, Q, M, P, T, B, L, and R to the heap in that order, one at a time. What does the final heap look like? Now delete the maximum item twice (after which the T and the R will be gone). What does the resulting heap look like?

  3. (6 points) Do parts (c), (e) and (f) of Problem E3 on page 410 of Kruse.

  4. (6 points) Start with an empty AVL tree and add the items A, H, M, J, K, Q, F, D, G, I to it, in that order. What does the resulting tree look like?

  5. (8 points) Suppose you have a graph with 8 vertices, labelled 1 through 8, and edges (1,2), (1,5), (5,6), (6,7), (7,8), (5,8), (2,3), (2,7), and (4,7).

  6. (3 points) I've been trying for several years to come up with new names for the Macintoshes in CMC 301. They have been named after McDonald's "food" items since we moved into the building. Please suggest a better theme for the machine names.

  7. (9 points) Don, Edsger, and Grace are planning to implement a hash table that will have 2048 slots. They have agreed to resolve collisions with chaining. The items the hash table will contain will be English words. They are arguing over what hash function to use. Criticize (positively or negatively) each of these proposals.

  8. (6 points) If you have an N-node binary tree, and you call Inorder() (see page 393 of Kruse) on the tree's root, how many times does Inorder() get called?

  9. (12 points) For each of the following scenarios, tell me what data structure I should use, and defend your choice. If implementation details matter (such as whether you'll use an array or a linked structure), include them in your discussion.