{ Here you'll experiment taking input from two different places. 1. Compile and run this program as it is. 2. Now, create a file (call it whatever you like--I'll call my example "inputFile") with one line containing two integers on the line. Save the file, and then run the program "inputAndOutput" like this: inputAndOutput < inputFile What appeared in your terminal window, and what didn't? 3. Next, you can also send the output to a file, like this inputAndOutput < inputFile > outputFile What appears in your terminal window? Do an "ls" to see whether "outputFile" exists. Type "more outputFile" to take a look at it (or open "outputFile" with Edit). 4. One last thing, a bit weirder. Try inputAndOutput > outputFile Can you make the program stop running? How? What appears in "outputFile"? (If you are stuck with a program that won't stop, you can always try typing "Control-C," that is, holding down the Ctrl key and then typing C. } program inputAndOutput(input,output); var a, b : integer; begin write( 'Please type two integers separated by a space: ' ); readln( a, b ); writeln( 'The sum of ', a, ' and ', b, ' is ', a + b ) end.