{ Meet the arithmetic operations on integers. 1. Run this program a few times with different integers to see what results you get. What do the operators +, -, *, div, and mod compute? (These answers will not be surprising, so don't expect this to be a difficult exercise.) 2. There is another operator, denoted by a slash (/). What operation do think this represents? What happens if you try doing for / what we've done here for these other operations? 3. Once you've seen what / does, try changing the type of a and b from "integer" to "real" and see what happens with / now. } program arithmetic(input,output); var a, b : integer; begin write( 'Please type two integers separated by a space: ' ); readln( a, b ); writeln( a, ' + ', b, ' = ', a + b ); writeln( a, ' - ', b, ' = ', a - b ); writeln( a, ' * ', b, ' = ', a * b ); writeln( a, ' div ', b, ' = ', a div b ); writeln( a, ' mod ', b, ' = ', a mod b ) end.