CS 117 Assignments

  1. Assigned 1/3/96, due 1/5/96. Send e-mail to me (my address is "jondich") telling me
  2. Assigned 1/8/96, due 1/12/96. A little bit of data processing. Click here for a description of the assignment.
  3. Assigned 1/15/96, due 1/22/96. Collecting data on the lengths of the words in a dictionary. Click here for a description of the assignment.
  4. Assigned 1/24/96, due 1/26/96. Some binary arithmetic. Click here.
  5. Assigned 1/24/96, due 1/31/96. Your choice of several programming assignments. Check it out here.
  6. Assigned 2/7/96, due 2/14/96. Write a program that draws a face. See the Carleton graphics documentation for functions and procedures you can use, and see the lab of February 6 for example graphics programs.
  7. Assigned 2/14/96, due midnight 2/19/96. Check it out here.

  8. Assigned 2/21/96, due by classtime 2/28/96. Check it out here.

  9. Here's the description of THE FINAL PROJECT.

Jeff Ondich, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057
(507) 663-4364, jondich@carleton.edu