CS 117: Introduction to Computer Science Winter 2003

The Instructor

The Prefector

In case you are wondering, "prefector" is a slightly bizarre coinage of the Academic Support department at Carleton. If you check "prefect" in a dictionary, you will probably conclude that "prefector" is related to the definition "a student monitor or officer, especially in a private school." You may find greater etymological enjoyment by thinking of Rachel as "the chief of police of Paris, France." In any case, I believe that someone desired a term for "teaching assistant" that wasn't "teaching assistant," because we don't have TA's here at Carleton.

The Textbook

Your Grade

Working from Home

Homework Policy

Getting Help

Collaboration, Cheating, and the Difference Between the Two

There are two different kinds of working together: collaborating and cheating.


The following are examples of cheating.

I will be using software to discover cheating if it occurs, and will not hesitate to notify the College if it does.