CS 117 Assignment: Dice and Targets

Assigned Friday, 1/17/03.
Due Wednesday, 1/22/03 by 8:30 AM.

The files Die.java and Target.java contain classes designed to represent a die (the rollable craps-and-Yahtzee kind, not the machinery or mortality kind) and a target, each of which will know how to draw itself on a DrawingBoard. A project containing these classes is stored in /Accounts/courses/cs117/ondich/die_and_target. See the assignments page for instructions on how to get the project into your own account.

The Die and Target classes contain some complete methods and some "stubs." A stub is a method that has been filled with dummy code (or no code at all) in anticipation of being completed later. Your job is to complete the stubs in the Die and Target classes. You will need to write testing code as discussed in class to make sure your Die and Target classes work. You may hand in the testing code with your Die/Target project, but the grader will design her own tests.

Hand in a complete BlueJ project via HSP.

Start early, have fun, and keep in touch.