{ This program reads data from a file, one line at a time, and reports the information in that file in a slightly more friendly form. 1. Use it on the file "namesAndAges" like so processLines < namesAndAges to see how it works. 2. You can run this program without an input file by typing processLines and then typing in lines like "33 Jeff" until you're tired of typing, at which time you can end things by typing Control-D (hold down the Control key and type D) at the beginning of a line. Try it. 3. What do you think the symbol "eof" stands for? 4. What happens if you change "string(20)" to "string(4)"? What does the number mean? } program processLines(input,output); var name : string(20); age : integer; begin while not eof do begin readln( age, name ); writeln( name, ' is ', age, ' years old.' ) end end.