CS 111: Introduction to Computer Science

Getting started, with a focus on strings

The lab exercises

Each of these programs contains instructions for you. To get started, save a copy of each of the files listed below in your working directory, open each file in turn, and follow the instructions, trying to answer the questions posed there. You do not need to hand in any of your answers. However, you should try hard to understand how each of the programs works, line by line. Ask questions during lab, during prefect sessions, in my office hours, or in class.

There are lots of ways to explore sample programs like these, but here's a recommended procedure. For each sample program:

Your assignment, due 11:59PM Wednesday

Write a Python program that asks the user for a string, and then prints out the following items, one item per line:

Your program should begin with a comment like the ones in my sample programs that includes the name(s) of the student(s) who wrote the program. If you work with a partner, you only need to submit one copy of the program.

Submit this program by 11:59PM on Wednesday, April 8. Submit your program either by dragging it to the hand-in folder for this course, or by using the Homework Submission Program (HSP). HSP is generally pretty convenient if you are working on one of the 3rd-floor CMC lab computers. If you're on your own computer connected to ResNet, it's probably a lot easier to drag your work to hand-in.

Start early, have fun, and keep in touch.