CS 107 Exam

Due 12:00 noon, Friday, October 12, 2001.

This is an exam. You may use the Internet, but you may not consult with any person other than Jeff Ondich about this exam. This means, among other things, that you may not send people e-mail asking questions, or solicit answers via newsgroups.

Have fun.

  1. (5 points) The URL for my Carleton home page is http://www.mathcs.carleton.edu/faculty/jondich/index.html. I have made it possible for any web page to link directly to the "Baseball Links" section of my home page (that is, when you follow such a link, the words "Baseball Links" will appear at the top of your browser window).

  2. (3 points) Sometimes, you may want to show an example of HTML code on a web page. For example, if you want to teach your readers how to boldface text in HTML, you will want to display the boldface tags. Show the HTML code that you would use to display the "boldface text" tags.

  3. (5 points) Try linking to password_example.html . Test this example by entering "greater kudu" as the password, and then test it again by entering something else as the password.

    View the source of password_example.html, and take a look at the password_example.php source code . Note that password_example.php actually contains the password.

  4. (4 points) Carleton has administrative control over all IP addresses of the form 137.22.X.Y. How many IP addresses is that? Do you think Carleton is in danger of running out of IP addresses?

  5. (9 points) Pretend that nobody at Carleton has ever tried to view the web site http://www.stolaf.edu/, but that you have now launched your web browser in anticipation of viewing this site for the first time. Tell the story of what happens between the time you type "http://www.stolaf.edu/" and hit the Enter key and the time the St. Olaf home page appears on your screen. Your story should include something about the process your browser goes through to obtain the IP address of www.stolaf.edu, which computer your browser contacts once the IP address is in hand, how the browser goes about requesting the St. Olaf home page, what gets handed back to the browser, and how that information gets translated into the page your browser displays for you.

    The complete story is far beyond the scope of this course, so don't despair if you are left with questions you can't answer (indeed, I hope you think of new questions in the process of telling your story). Do your best, and keep it under one page.

  6. (4 points) Who are Vinton Cerf and Tim Berners-Lee, and why are they relevant to the history of the Internet?

  7. (6 points) Read the Daytime Protocol specification (you may ignore the section entitled "UDP Based Daytime Service").

  8. (2 points) Please direct me to a web site that you find amusing.

  9. (9 points) Create an HTML form that contains a text entry box, a "Submit" button, and a popup menu containing the choices "Upper case", "Lower case", and "Reverse". When the user clicks on the Submit button, the form should invoke a PHP program. The PHP program should take the text in the text entry box and echo it reversed, all upper case, or all lower case, depending on the user's selection. Hand in printouts of both the .html file and the .php file.

  10. Have a relaxing midterm break.