
Data is everywhere! It stands to reason that there must be smart ways of storing and retrieving it efficiently. We'll spend time looking at how database sytems are built, how to use them, and fundamental principles behind management of data. The most amazing thing about this class is that it uses ideas involving computer hardware, data structures, algorithms, database theory, new languages, and more. If it makes sense to talk about a course as being "interdisciplinary within computer science," this is the one.

Instructor Information


Exams, dates, etc

Your Grade

Homework Policy

Working Together

Collaboration, Plagiarism, and the Difference Between the Two

There are two different kinds of working together: collaborating and plagiarism.



The following are examples of plagiarism:

I am compelled by Carleton policy to submit plagiarism cases that I find to the Dean of Students, who in turns brings the evidence before the Academic Standing Committee. The academic penalty for a finding of responsibility can range from a grade of zero in the specific assignment to a F in the course.

Rough outline of course material and how it relates to textbook