Grading Guidelines for Racket Programming Assignments

Here are the guidelines that the graders will use in grading your Racket assignments. Each will be out of 10 points. 8 of those points will be for functionality; they will be based on tests to see if the code that you write does what it should. The breakdown of those points for each problem will vary depending on the problem. For all of them, 2 of those points will be for style. There is a fantastic style guide linked from the Moodle course page. That said, here are some specific items graders will look for:

  1. Don't write Python or Java style in Racket; write Racket style in Racket. Look at the examples I've done in class, as well as in the Racket guide, to get a sense of what Racket should look like.
  2. Indent well and use good style with parentheses. Again, look at examples.
  3. Provide a comment at the top of each file indicating who the author(s) was/were.
  4. Provide a comment at the top of each function describing briefly what it does.
  5. Your code should be direct and minimal to get the job done. For example, the following two expressions produce the same result, but the first one is better.
    (cons 'a '(c d e))
    (append (list 'a) '(c d e))
    Similarly, here is another example of two expressions that produce the same result, where the first one is better:
    (append '(a b c) (list 'd))
    (reverse (cons 'd (reverse '(a b c))))
  6. In general, defining "helper" functions is fine if it contributes to making the code more readable.

To grade style, we will use the following scale. Note that this has nothing to do with whether or not the program is actually correct.